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As the federation operator, DFN-Verein acts as a Trusted Third Party, which ensures compliance with the technical and legal framework conditions and thus establishes a relationship of trust. In this role, DFN-Verein assumes various tasks:

  • Contracts with all participating institutions and service providers, see under Registration
  • Creating guidelines (policies) and monitoring compliance with them

The following service components are offered to realize the federation operation on a technical level:

International cooperation:

  • Cross-federation AAI via eduGAIN
  • Collaboration in international initiatives (REFEDS) and projects such as GÉANT and AARC
  • Support of international research communities: FIM4R, CLARIN etc.

Involvement of the user community in the design and further development of the service

Further development of the service on a technical, organizational and legal level:

  • Last modified: 8 months ago