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DFN-AAI service portfolio
As the federation operator, DFN-Verein acts as a Trusted Third Party, which ensures compliance with the technical and legal framework conditions and thus establishes a relationship of trust. In this role, DFN-Verein assumes various tasks:
- Contracts with all participating institutions and service providers, see under Registration
- Creating guidelines (policies) and monitoring compliance with them
The following service components are offered to realize the federation operation on a technical level:
- metadata management, regular validation and signing of federation metadata
- Support of so-called local metadata for participating institutions
- Support of so-called virtual subfederations
- Operation of central localization services: Discovery services, also called „WAYF“ (Where Are You From), see under Productive operation
- Active promotion of the (further) development of the Shibboleth Software, membership in the Shibboleth Consortium
- Operation of an Incident Response Team together with the DFN-CERT
- Support for technical problems and other AAI-related questions, see Contact
- Workshops and training for participating institutions and service providers (please send training requests to
International cooperation:
- Cross-federation AAI via eduGAIN
Involvement of the user community in the design and further development of the service
- AAI forum as part of the DFN-Betriebstagung
- Participation in the ZKI working group Identity and Access Management
- Topic-specific ad-hoc working groups
Further development of the service on a technical, organizational and legal level:
- Regular consultations with the Forschungsstelle Recht im DFN
- Support for new technologies and standards such as OpenID Connect, membership in the OpenID Foundation, participation in the Research & Education Working Group
- Expansion of the service portfolio, e.g. edu-ID
- Evaluation of new approaches to increase the level of trust in the DFN-AAI, introduction of the REFEDS Assurance Framework