For joining the DFN-AAI and accessing the Metadata Administration Tool, a written contract with the DFN association is required. Please contact Ms. Kaufmann for ordering the contract documents:
Phone: +49-30-884299-9124
Fax: +49-30-884299-370
Postal Address:
Verein zur Förderung eines Deutschen Forschungsnetzes e. V.
Frau Heike Kaufmann
Alexanderplatz 1
D - 10178 Berlin
For signing up for an account with the DFN-AAI Metadata Administration Tool (Metadata Admin Tool), please contact the DFN-AAI helpdesk, either by phone or by email (ideally S/MIME-signed):
Phone: +49-30-884299-9124
Fax: +49-30-884299-370
New entities (Identity Provider, Service Provider, Attribute Authorities) first have to join the DFN-AAI Test Federation before they are entitled to register with the production federation.
For joining the production federation, the following steps are required:
- Mailing Lists: please subscribe to the DFN-AAI mailing lists!
- Participation in Test Federation: Register your entity with the metadata of the DFN-AAI Test Federation (→ Metadata Admin Tool)
- Configuration of the respective entities (Identity Provider / Service Provider / Attribute Authority) for participation in the Test Federation, download/import of the appropriate metadata set(s)
- Generation and configuration of the certificates required for participation in the production federation
- Performing functional tests using the test IdPs and SPs provided by DFN-AAI
- Monitoring Shibboleth IdP: Unlocking the IdP status page for the DFN monitoring service
- Registration with the DFN-AAI production federation, creation of an entry in the list of participating entities
Next step: Metadata Administration Tool