Show pageOld revisionsBacklinksBack to top This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== Registration ====== For joining the DFN-AAI and accessing the Metadata Administration Tool, a **written contract with the DFN association** is required. Please contact Ms. Kaufmann for ordering the contract documents:\\ **Email:** [[|]] \\ **Phone:** +49-30-884299-9124 \\ **Fax:** +49-30-884299-370 **Postal Address:** \\ Verein zur Förderung eines Deutschen Forschungsnetzes e. V. \\ Frau Heike Kaufmann \\ Alexanderplatz 1 \\ D - 10178 Berlin \\ Germany For **signing up for an account** with the **DFN-AAI Metadata Administration Tool** ([[en:metadata_admin_tool|Metadata Admin Tool]]), please contact the DFN-AAI helpdesk, either by phone or by email (ideally S/MIME-signed): \\ **Email:** [[|]] \\ **Phone:** +49-30-884299-9124 \\ **Fax:** +49-30-884299-370 New entities (Identity Provider, Service Provider, Attribute Authorities) first have to join the DFN-AAI Test Federation before they are entitled to register with the production federation. **For joining the production federation, the following steps are required:** * **Mailing Lists:** please subscribe to the DFN-AAI [[de:aai:mailinglists|mailing lists]]! * **Participation in Test Federation:** Register your entity with the metadata of the DFN-AAI Test Federation (-> [[en:metadata_admin_tool|Metadata Admin Tool]]) * **[[en:configuration|Configuration]]** of the respective entities (Identity Provider / Service Provider / Attribute Authority) for participation in the Test Federation, download/import of the appropriate [[en:metadata|metadata set(s)]] * Generation and configuration of the **[[en:certificates|certificates]]** required for participation in the production federation * **Performing [[en:functionaltest|functional tests]]** using the test IdPs and SPs provided by DFN-AAI * **Monitoring Shibboleth IdP:** Unlocking the [[de:shibidp:statusurl|IdP status page]] for the DFN monitoring service * **Registration with the [[en:production|DFN-AAI production federation]]**, creation of an entry in the [[|list of participating entities]] **Next step:** [[en:metadata_admin_tool|Metadata Administration Tool]] Last modified: 2 weeks ago Log In