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# https://wiki.shibboleth.net/confluence/display/IDP30/SecretKeyManagement
# Pfad zur Java-Installation:
export JAVA_HOME=/usr		# Debian und Ubuntu mit OpenjDK
set -e
set -u
# Default IDP_HOME if not already set
if [ ! -d "${IDP_HOME:=/opt/shibboleth-idp}" ]
    echo "ERROR: Directory does not exist: ${IDP_HOME}" >&2
    exit 1
function get_config {
    # Key to lookup (escape . for regex lookup)
    local KEY=${1:?"No key provided to look up value"}
    # Passed default value
    local DEFAULT="${2:-}"
    # Lookup key, strip spaces, replace idp.home with IDP_HOME value
    local RESULT=$(sed -rn '/^'"${KEY//./\\.}"'\s*=/ { s|^[^=]*=(.*)\s*$|\1|; s|%\{idp\.home\}|'"${IDP_HOME}"'|g; p}' ${IDP_HOME}/conf/idp.properties)
    # Set if no result with default - exit if no default
    echo ${RESULT:-${DEFAULT:?"No value in config and no default defined for: '${KEY}'"}}
# Get config values
## Official config items ##
storefile=$(get_config idp.sealer.storeResource)
versionfile=$(get_config idp.sealer.versionResource)
storepass=$(get_config idp.sealer.storePassword)
alias=$(get_config idp.sealer.aliasBase secret)
## Extended config items ##
count=$(get_config idp.sealer._count 30)
# default cannot be empty - so "self" is the default (self is skipped for syncing)
sync_hosts=$(get_config idp.sealer._sync_hosts ${HOSTNAME})
# Run the keygen utility
${0%/*}/runclass.sh net.shibboleth.utilities.java.support.security.BasicKeystoreKeyStrategyTool \
    --storefile "${storefile}" \
    --storepass "${storepass}" \
    --versionfile "${versionfile}" \
    --alias "${alias}" \
    --count "${count}"
# Display current version
echo "INFO: $(tac "${versionfile}" | tr "\n" " ")" >&1
for EACH in ${sync_hosts}
    if [ "${HOSTNAME}" == "${EACH}" ]
        echo "INFO: Host '${EACH}' is myself - skipping" >&1
    elif ! ping -q -c 1 -W 3 ${EACH} >/dev/null 2>&1
        echo "ERROR: Host '${EACH}' not reachable - skipping" >&2
        # run scp in the background
        scp "${storefile}" "${versionfile}" "${EACH}:${IDP_HOME}/credentials/" &

Quelle: https://wiki.shibboleth.net/confluence/display/IDP30/SecretKeyManagement

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