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en:aai:contact [2021/08/06 15:47] Wolfgang Pempeen:aai:contact [2021/08/06 15:59] (current) Wolfgang Pempe
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 **Please note:** The DFN-AAI hotline only provides support for questions concerning the federation in general as well as installation and configuration of SAML-enabled software with a main focus on Shibboleth. Due to the variety of possible implementation scenarios, no direct support can be provided for other kinds of web applications and IDM systems. Via the [[de:aai:mailinglists|mailing lists]], federation participants may exchange their experiences. **Please note:** The DFN-AAI hotline only provides support for questions concerning the federation in general as well as installation and configuration of SAML-enabled software with a main focus on Shibboleth. Due to the variety of possible implementation scenarios, no direct support can be provided for other kinds of web applications and IDM systems. Via the [[de:aai:mailinglists|mailing lists]], federation participants may exchange their experiences.
-**Before submitting a support request, please check whether the question or problem is not already dealt with on the [[en:aai:faqs|FAQ pages]] or the  [[en:shibidp:troubleshooting|Troubleshooting page]]. Thank you very much! **+**Before submitting a support request, please check whether the question or problem is not already dealt with on the [[en:aai:faqs|FAQ]] or the  [[en:shibidp:troubleshooting|Troubleshooting]] pages. Thank you very much! **
 ==== Administrative Contact ==== ==== Administrative Contact ====
  • Last modified: 4 years ago