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en:functionaltest_sp [2017/06/16 14:24] Wolfgang Pempeen:functionaltest_sp [2022/06/16 15:46] (current) – [Test Accounts] removed typo Silke Meyer
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 The DFN operates two IdPs for performing functional tests in the Test Federation:  The DFN operates two IdPs for performing functional tests in the Test Federation: 
 ^ DisplayName    ^ EntityID                                   ^ Remarks                                   ^ ^ DisplayName    ^ EntityID                                   ^ Remarks                                   ^
-| DFN Test-IdP 1 | https://testidp.aai.dfn.de/idp/shibboleth  | SAML2, requires attribute query          | 
 | DFN Test-IdP 2 | https://testidp2.aai.dfn.de/idp/shibboleth | SAML2, standard behaviour (attribute push) | | DFN Test-IdP 2 | https://testidp2.aai.dfn.de/idp/shibboleth | SAML2, standard behaviour (attribute push) |
 **NB:** There is also an AAI Integration and Test IdP available in the production federation. Accounts are issued on request, please contact [[mailto:hotline@aai.dfn.de|hotline@aai.dfn.de]]. **NB:** There is also an AAI Integration and Test IdP available in the production federation. Accounts are issued on request, please contact [[mailto:hotline@aai.dfn.de|hotline@aai.dfn.de]].
 ==== Test Accounts ==== ==== Test Accounts ====
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 | test-me  | test     | urn:mace:dir:common-lib-terms; urn:something... | member@... | member with multiple entitlements | | test-me  | test     | urn:mace:dir:common-lib-terms; urn:something... | member@... | member with multiple entitlements |
 | test-ma  | test     | urn:mace:dir:common-lib-terms | member@... ; staff@... | member with multiple affiliations | | test-ma  | test     | urn:mace:dir:common-lib-terms | member@... ; staff@... | member with multiple affiliations |
-The primary purpose of these accounts is to test authorisation with typical content providers - **in that case the user 'test-na' is not entitled to access any protected content**. \\ +|test-all |test  |only if required in SP metadata|only if required in SP metadata|all attributes that the SP requires in its metadata| 
-In case that further test users are required, providing more **specific attribute profiles**, please contact [[mailto:hotline@aai.dfn.de|hotline@aai.dfn.de]].+|test-special-characters1, test-special-characters2, test-special-characters3 |test |only if required in SP metadata|only if required in SP metadata|givenName and sn contain special characters, all attributes that the SP requires in its metadata| 
 +|test-multi-mail |test  |only if required in SP metadata|only if required in SP metadata|multiple values in e-mail attribute (do not use ''mail'' as an identifier, see [[en:aai:attributes_best_practice|Best Practice]]), all attributes that the SP requires in its metadata| 
 +The primary purpose of these accounts is to test authorisation with typical content providers - **in this case the user 'test-na' is not entitled to access any protected content**.  
 +If more and/or other attributes are required to access and use a specific Service, please contact [[mailto:hotline@aai.dfn.de|hotline@aai.dfn.de]]. Further test accounts are available on request. 
 ==== Attribute-based Authorization ==== ==== Attribute-based Authorization ====
 **Important:** At many Home Organizations (not only in Germany), there are also users registered with the Identity Management System (and therefore able to login to the IdP) that are not members of the respective Institution in a strict sense, like guests, cooperation partners, almuni etc. \\ **Important:** At many Home Organizations (not only in Germany), there are also users registered with the Identity Management System (and therefore able to login to the IdP) that are not members of the respective Institution in a strict sense, like guests, cooperation partners, almuni etc. \\
-In the overwhelming majority of cases, a service (respectively a Service Provider) is supposed to be available only for a subset of the users at a Home Organization. For this reason, a successful authentication at the home IdP is usually not sufficient for granting access to a protected resource! Rather, the authorization decision must be made by means of the user attributes released by the IdP. Which attributes (and attribute values) are appropriate for this purpose, depends on the type and implementation of the service / Service Provider. If you have any questions, please contact the [[https://www.aai.dfn.de/kontakt/|DFN-AAI Helpdesk]].+In the overwhelming majority of cases, a service (respectively a Service Provider) is supposed to be available only for a subset of the users affiliated with a Home Organization. For this reason, a successful authentication at the home IdP is usually not sufficient for granting access to a protected resource! Rather, the authorization decision must be made by means of the user attributes released by the IdP. Which attributes (and attribute values) are appropriate for this purpose, depends on the type and implementation of the service / Service Provider. If you have any questions, please contact the [[https://www.aai.dfn.de/kontakt/|DFN-AAI Helpdesk]].  
 +See also the comprehensive documentation on [[https://www.switch.ch/aai/guides/sp/access-rules/|implementing access control with Shibboleth SP]] provided by SWITCHaai.
 **Next step:** [[en:production|Production Environment]] **Next step:** [[en:production|Production Environment]]
  • Last modified: 8 years ago