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en:aai:mdq [2021/07/14 13:26] – partly translated Silke Meyeren:aai:mdq [2021/07/14 13:57] Silke Meyer
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-FIXME **This page is not fully translated, yet.** 
 ====== Metadata Query Service (MDQ) ====== ====== Metadata Query Service (MDQ) ======
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 ===== Explanation ===== ===== Explanation =====
-A **Metadata Query Service** can be queried for the metadata of individual entities (IdP/SP/Attribute Authority) in real-time. This approach is also called **Per-Entity Metadata**. The conventional approach is to offer federation metadata as huge xml files that have to be fetched, validated and processed by all participating systems. The per-entity approach consumes much less resources: All systems just process the metadata they need in given moment, and cache them for a certain time. This procedure is based on the **Metadata Query Protocol** (see [[#references|References]]).+A **Metadata Query Service** can be queried for the metadata of individual entities (IdP/SP/Attribute Authority) in real-time. This approach is also called **Per-Entity Metadata**. The conventional approach is to offer federation metadata as huge xml files that have to be fetched, validated and processed by all participating systems. The per-entity approach consumes much less resources: All systems just process the metadata they need in given moment, and cache them for a certain time. This procedure is based on the **Metadata Query Protocol** (see [[#references|References]]).
 A Metadata Query Service has to meet high requirements in terms of availability and resilience. DFN-AAI's pilot lets us gain experience and improve the service for production. A Metadata Query Service has to meet high requirements in terms of availability and resilience. DFN-AAI's pilot lets us gain experience and improve the service for production.
-Please note  +Please see the section on [[en:aai:mdq#further_hints_and_known_issues|further hints and known issues]] below.
- +
-Beachten Sie bitte auch die [[de:aai:mdq#weitere_hinweise_und_bekannte_probleme|weiteren Hinweise]] unten.+
 **Important notice:** The MDQ service does not deliver **any** [[de:metadata_local|local metadata]]! You still have to include them via a static metadata provider, type ''FileBackedHTTPMetadataProvider'' for Shibboleth IdPs, type ''XML'' for Shibboleth SPs. **Important notice:** The MDQ service does not deliver **any** [[de:metadata_local|local metadata]]! You still have to include them via a static metadata provider, type ''FileBackedHTTPMetadataProvider'' for Shibboleth IdPs, type ''XML'' for Shibboleth SPs.
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 </file> </file>
-=== Ausschließlich IdPs aus DFN-AAI Advanced === +=== Filter IdPs from DFN-AAI Advanced === 
-(Zur Unterscheidung zwischen "Advanced" und "Basic" siehe die Erläuterungen zu den [[de:degrees_of_reliance|Verlässlichkeitsklassen]])+(see [[en:degrees_of_reliance|Degrees of Reliance]])
-**Wichtig:** damit der u.g. Filter funktioniert, muss im Root-Element ''SPConfig'' der Datei ''shibboleth2.xml'' der Namespace ''xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion"'' gesetzt sein.+**Important:** In ''shibboleth2.xml'', in the root element ''SPConfig'' the namespace ''xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion"'' has to be set for this filter to work.
 <file xml /etc/shibboleth/shibboleth2.xml> <file xml /etc/shibboleth/shibboleth2.xml>
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 </file> </file>
-Weitere Filtermöglichkeiten werden gerne auf [[hotline@aai.dfn.de|Anfrage]] dokumentiert. +We are happy to document further filter mechanisms [[hotline@aai.dfn.de|on demand]].
- +
-===== Weitere Hinweise und bekannte Probleme ===== +===== Further hints and known issues ===== 
-**Allgemein:** \\ +**General:** \\ 
-Sofern in der Metadata Provider Konfiguration weitere, 'statische' (z.B. ''FileBackedHTTPMetadataProvider''''MetadataProvider'' definiert sindsollten ''MetadataProvider''-Elemente des Typs das ''MDQ'' bzw. ''DynamicHTTPMetadataProvider'' ganz am Ende eingefügt werdenAnsonsten führt der IdP/SP jedes Mal eine Metadata Query aus, auch wenn die betreffende Entity bereits über die statischen Metadaten verfügbar ist.+If you have defined static metadata providers (e.g. ''FileBackedHTTPMetadataProvider''in addition to dynamic metadata querythe ''MDQ'' resp. ''DynamicHTTPMetadataProvider'' should be appended after the static onesThis prevents the IdP/SP from running metadata queries for entities that are available from the static metadata.
 **Shibboleth IdP:** \\ **Shibboleth IdP:** \\
-Bei nicht erfolgreichen Metadata Queries erscheint eine Warnung im Log: ''Document root was not an EntityDescriptor: org.opensaml.saml.saml2.metadata.impl.EntitiesDescriptorImpl''+Failed metadata queries are logged like this in the IdP: ''Document root was not an EntityDescriptor: org.opensaml.saml.saml2.metadata.impl.EntitiesDescriptorImpl''
 **Shibboleth SP < 3.2.0:** \\ **Shibboleth SP < 3.2.0:** \\
-Im SP-Log erscheint nach jedem Neustart die irreführende Warnung, dass das Caching-Verzeichnis nicht nicht angelegt werden kannEs existiert bereitsSiehe https://issues.shibboleth.net/jira/browse/SSPCPP-916+After every restart the SP logs a misleading warning about the cache directory that cannot be createdIt already existsSee https://issues.shibboleth.net/jira/browse/SSPCPP-916
-**Sonstige Fehler** bitte an [[hotline@aai.dfn.de|hotline@aai.dfn.de]] melden.+Please let us know if you run into any **other errors** ([[hotline@aai.dfn.de|hotline@aai.dfn.de]]).
 \\ \\
 ===== References ===== ===== References =====
-  * [[https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-young-md-query/|Spezifikation Metadata Query Protocol]]+  * [[https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-young-md-query/|Specification of the Metadata Query Protocol]]
   * Shibboleth Wiki   * Shibboleth Wiki
     * [[https://wiki.shibboleth.net/confluence/display/IDP4/MetadataManagementBestPractices#MetadataManagementBestPractices-DynamicHTTPMetadataProvider|Metadata Management Best Practices]]     * [[https://wiki.shibboleth.net/confluence/display/IDP4/MetadataManagementBestPractices#MetadataManagementBestPractices-DynamicHTTPMetadataProvider|Metadata Management Best Practices]]
-    * [[https://wiki.shibboleth.net/confluence/display/IDP4/DynamicHTTPMetadataProvider|Konfiguration Identity Provider]] +    * [[https://wiki.shibboleth.net/confluence/display/IDP4/DynamicHTTPMetadataProvider|Identity Provider Configuration]] 
-    * [[https://wiki.shibboleth.net/confluence/display/SP3/MDQMetadataProvider|Konfiguration Service Provider]] +    * [[https://wiki.shibboleth.net/confluence/display/SP3/MDQMetadataProvider|Service Provider Configuration]] 
-  * Ausführliche [[https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/MDQ/Introducing+per-entity+metadata+service|Doku im InCommon Wiki]] (US-Föderation)+  * Detailed [[https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/MDQ/Introducing+per-entity+metadata+service|documentation on InCommon Wiki]] (US federation)
-{{tag>metadata idp4 sp3}}+{{tag>metadata idp4 sp3 mdq}}
  • Last modified: 8 months ago