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Im Kontext einer Authentifizierungs- und Autorisierungsinfrastruktur betrifft das Thema Verlässlichkeit zwei zentrale Aspekte:

  1. Verlässlichkeit digitaler Identitäten und der damit verbundenen Nutzerdaten (d.h. Attribute/Claims) - Identity Assurance
  2. Verlässlichkeit der Authentifizierung - Authentication Assurance

Definition Wikipedia

„Identity assurance in the context of federated identity management is the ability for a party to determine, with some level of certainty, that an electronic credential representing an entity (human or a machine) with which it interacts to effect a transaction, can be trusted to actually belong to the entity.
In the case where the entity is a person, identity assurance is the level at which the credential being presented can be trusted to be a proxy for the individual to whom it was issued and not someone else. Assurance levels (ALs or LoAs) are the levels of trust associated with a credential as measured by the associated technology, processes, and policy and practice statements.“
  • Zuletzt geändert: vor 3 Jahren