====== eduroam ====== Welcome to the online documentation for the DFN service eduroam! eduroam is a service of the DFN-Verein in the [[https://www2.dfn.de/fileadmin/6Organisation/Teilnehmer/Entgeltordnung_DFNInternet_und_Dienst-Paket-2_0721.pdf|DFNInternet and Service Package]] and is assigned to the [[https://dfn.de/dienste/security-trust-and-identity-services/|Security, Trust & Identity Services]] area. Information about the extensions in eduroam, e.g. [[de:eduroam:easyroam|easyroam]], [[de:eduroam:lookingglass|TLSLookingGlass]] and [[de:eduroam:eduroam-ca|eduroam CA]] can be found [[de:eduroam:addons|here]]. A lot of information about the eduroam service, especially about the eduroam infrastructure, e.g. maintenance, new developments, outages are posted to eduroam admins in a timely manner via the mailing list dfnroaming@listserv.dfn.de. eduroam admins are therefore asked to subscribe to the mailing list [[https://www.listserv.dfn.de/|dfnroaming@listserv.dfn.de]] in order to stay informed. For questions and suggestions, please contact the eduroam team ([[eduroam@dfn.de|eduroam@dfn.de]]).