====== Frequently Asked Questions ====== ===== General questions ===== * Where can I subscribe to DFN-AAI announcements? Please subscribe to this bilingual channel: [[https://www.listserv.dfn.de/sympa/info/dfn-aai-announce|dfn-aai-announce@listserv.dfn.de]]. * Any pitfalls in [[en:certificates#certificate_key_rollover_sp|certificate rollover]]? * [[en:certificates#self-signed_certificates|Verification of self-signed certificates]] for SAML communication * [[en:shibidp:troubleshooting|Troubleshooting and frequent error messages]] * [[en:shibidp:troubleshooting#download_the_metadata_of_your_idp_sp|Where can I find the metadata of my IdP/SP?]] * [[en:shibidp:troubleshooting#idp_is_not_displayed_in_discovery_services|My IdP is not displayed in Discovery Services]] * Where can I find [[https://doku.tid.dfn.de/de:aai:attributes_best_practice|recommended best practices]] concerning the use of attributes? * Where can I get in touch with other DFN-AAI participants? On this mailing list: [[https://www.listserv.dfn.de/sympa/info/dfn-aai-users|dfn-aai-users@listserv.dfn.de]] (mostly but not only in German language). * Privacy / Data Protection (upcoming) ===== Metadata Administration Tool ===== * Where can I find the DFN-AAI [[https://www.aai.dfn.de/verwaltung|Metadata Administration Tool]]? * How do I get [[en:metadata_admin_tool#access_to_the_metadata_administration_tool|access to the Metadata Administration Tool]]? * [[en:checklist|Check list for publishing metadata]]