====== edu-ID ====== **What is an edu-ID?** * A lifelong, institution-independent, user-centric digital identity for research and education See also the [[https://download.aai.dfn.de/praesentationen/betriebstagungen/79/BT79_aai-forum_update_edu-id_final.pdf|Presentation from the 79th Operational Meeting of the DFN Association, October 2023]] ==== Results to date ==== **Whitepaper of the ZKI AG edu-ID on the positioning of the concept of an edu-ID in the current landscape of digital identities in Germany and Europe:** https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7425176 (German) **An edu-ID for research and education in Germany - technical concept:** https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7418055 (German) ==== Technical Documentation for IdP and SP Operators (German) ==== * [[de:aai:eduid:idpconfig|Anbindung Identity-Provider an das DFN edu-ID System]] * [[de:aai:eduid:spconfig|Anbindung Service-Provider an das DFN edu-ID System]] ==== ZKI working group edu-ID ==== An open working group was founded at the spring conference of the ZKI AK Directory Services 2019 at the TU Braunschweig, * ideally with the participation of members from universities, libraries, research institutions and communities * to think about the functionality and scope of a possible edu-ID service and * to draw up a corresponding requirements profile In a further step, an operating and cost model as well as a concept and a roadmap for the technical implementation (should it ever get that far) must then be developed. ==== Mailing list ==== Link to the subscription: [[https://www.listserv.dfn.de/sympa/info/edu-id|https://www.listserv.dfn.de/sympa/info/edu-id]] ==== Events ==== * [[:de:aai:eduid:ws_juli_2019|Workshop am 2./3. Juli 2019 (Berlin)]] * [[:de:aai:eduid:ws_nov_2019|Workshop 26.-28. November 2019 (Uni Bamberg)]] * [[:de:aai:eduid:ws_feb_2010|Workshop 10.-12. Februar 2020 (TU Kaiserslautern)]] * [[:de:aai:eduid:ws_apr_2020|nächster Workshop: 27.-29. April 2020 (Uni Bamberg)]] * [[:de:aai:eduid:vc_2020-06-23|VC 23. Juni 2020, 13:00-15:00]] * [[:de:aai:eduid:vc_2020-07-21|VC 21. Juli 2020, 13:00-15:00]] * [[:de:aai:eduid:vc_2020-08-18|VC 18. August 2020, 13:00-17:00]] * [[:de:aai:eduid:vc_2020-10-13|VC 13. Oktober 2020, 13:​00-17:​00]] * [[:de:aai:eduid:vc_2020-11-27|VC 27. November 2020, 9:00-13:00]] * [[:de:aai:eduid:vc_2020-12-11|VC 11. Dezember 2020, 13:00-14:30]] (Attribute) * [[:de:aai:eduid:vc_2020-12-18|VC 18. Dezember 2020, 10:00-11:30]] (Levels of Assurance I) * [[:de:aai:eduid:vc_2021-01-22|VC 22. Januar 2021, 10:00-12:00]] (Strategie) * [[:de:aai:eduid:vc_2021-01-29|VC 29. Januar 2021, 10:30-12:00]] (Levels of Assurance II) * [[:de:aai:eduid:vc_2021-02-19|VC 19. Februar 2021, 10:00-12:00]] (Schulen) * [[:de:aai:eduid:vc_2021-02-26|VC 26. Februar 2021, 10:00-12:00]] (Self-Sovereign Identity [SSI]) * [[:de:aai:eduid:vc_2021-03-05|VC 5. März 2021, 10:00-12:00]] (OZG) * [[:de:aai:eduid:vc_2021-03-19|VC 19. März 2021, 10:00-12:00]] (Strategie II) * [[:de:aai:eduid:vc_2021-03-26|VC 26. März 2021, 10:00-12:00]] (Levels of Assurance III) * [[:de:aai:eduid:ws_jun_2022|Workshop 29.-30. Juni 2022 (TU Kaiserslautern)]] ==== Archive ==== Status of the work: * [[:de:aai:eduid:usecases|Use cases and requirements derived from them (German)]] * Planning of the [[:en:aai:eduid:architektur|edu-ID architecture]] * [[:en:aai:eduid:attributes|attributes and data model]] * [[:en:aai:eduid:loa|Levels of Assurance]] * [[:de:aai:eduid:open_questions|Open questions (German)]] * [[:en:aai:eduid:stuff|Other materials]]