====== REFEDS Assurance Framework - Service Provider ====== ([[en:aai:assurance|general information on identity assurance]]) ===== First Steps and Requirements ===== **Please read the current version of the [[https://refeds.org/assurance|specification]]!** \\ If you have any questions, please contact the [[hotline@aai.dfn.de|DFN-AAI Team]]. **Please perform a protection needs assessment for the resources protected by the service provider. On this basis, you decide which criteria of the REFEDS Assurance Framework are relevant for the respective Service Provider and on the basis of which values of the [[de:common_attributes#a14|eduPersonAssurance]] attribute the authorization decision has to be made (for which also other factors are usually decisive).** ===== Configuration Examples ===== **Important Notes:** \\ * **The following configuration examples refer exclusively to [[https://shibboleth.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SP3/overview|Shibboleth Service Provider]] version 3.2.x** * **These examples are intended as suggestions and should under no circumstances be adopted via copy + paste without reflection!** ==== Metadata ==== * According to the [[en:aai:assurance#roadmap_for_the_changeover|roadmap]], there will no longer be metadata files separated by Degrees of Reliance as of May 20th, 2022. The [[en:metadata|metadata]] of all productive Identity Providers in DFN-AAI is available at https://www.aai.dfn.de/metadata/dfn-aai-idp-metadata.xml. The examples under [[en:production|productive operations]] have already been modified accordingly. Until the end of 2022, differentiation based on an Entity Attribute is still possible. Examples of a corresponding metadata filter can be found on the [[en:aai:mdq|MDQ documentation]] and [[en:production|Production Environment]] pages. * In order to signal that the Service Provider requires and processes assurance information transported via the [[de:common_attributes#a14|eduPersonAssurance]] attribute, the ''eduPersonAssurance'' attribute should be declared as ''isRequired=true'' in the metadata administration tool under Attributes Consuming Service. ==== Apache Access Rules ==== In this example, access to the resources protected by the SP is granted to persons whose digital identity meets the conditions for $PREFIX$/IAP/medium and $PREFIX$/ATP/ePA-1m. AuthType shibboleth ShibRequestSetting requireSession true Require shib-attr assurance https://refeds.org/assurance/IAP/medium Require shib-attr assurance https://refeds.org/assurance/ATP/ePA-1m As above - and the Service Provider only accepts the REFEDS Assurance Framework version 2.0. AuthType shibboleth ShibRequestSetting requireSession true Require shib-attr assurance https://refeds.org/assurance/version/2 Require shib-attr assurance https://refeds.org/assurance/IAP/medium Require shib-attr assurance https://refeds.org/assurance/ATP/ePA-1m The following example assumes that only staff members (''staff'') of certain institutions, for whom $PREFIX$/ID/unique, $PREFIX$/IAP/medium und $PREFIX$/ATP/ePA-1m are met, are to be granted access to the resource protected by the service provider. The list of access-authorized identity providers or home institutions is defined via a [[de:shibsp#filtermechanismen|metadata filter]]. \\ **Please note:** The attribute ''eduPersonAssurance'' is mapped to a variable named ''assurance'' by default in ''attribute-map.xml'', in case of ''eduPersonAffiliation'' the variable is named ''unscoped-affiliation''. AuthType shibboleth ShibRequestSetting requireSession true Require shib-attr unscoped-affiliation staff Require shib-attr assurance https://refeds.org/assurance/ID/unique Require shib-attr assurance https://refeds.org/assurance/IAP/medium Require shib-attr assurance https://refeds.org/assurance/ATP/ePA-1m **XML Access Control:** For more ways to configure access control using the Shibboleth SP, please refer to [[https://www.switch.ch/aai/guides/sp/access-rules|the documentation provided by SWITCH]] ==== Further Reading ==== * [[https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3627594|Comparison Guide to Identity Assurance Mappings for Infrastructures]] * [[https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4916049|Making Identity Assurance and Authentication Strength Work for Federated Infrastructures]] {{tag>assurance}}